Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beautifully ✕ Blinded

Blinded by her own beauty, by the flashing lights, she smiles as she poses for the papparazi baddest thing in the club got everybody watching niggas buying her drinks bitches jockin schemin and plottin cuz they wanna be in her shoes but they just don't have a clue how uncomfortable they really are subconsciousely feeding off the attention cuz deep down inside somethings missin' somewhere somebody ain't listenin

so she posts her pics makes her flicks gets what she wants attempting to fill the void thats been a part of her since she could remember a million myspace friends and has yet to scratch the surface of how it feels to be loved for who she is inside wanting so badly to escape but blinded by her own fame looking in the mirror every morning proves to be a difficult task cant stand who she cuz shes wearing a mask....

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